Friday, June 17, 2011

Hello All!

Well, first I would like to apologize for not being able to post. A lot has been going on around here!!
Tornados, Trips, School, and not to mention Immigration-don't even get me started.
Please keep Alabama in your prayers!!!!
The blow was-and still is very hard.........

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Well it has been a while since I have had the chance to post, and I have missed it!
My promise to myself to always make time each day to share my thoughts- well- sometimes my thoughts just had to stay in my head~!
The past two weeks have been really hard , my Daughter was really sick for quite a while. But Thank God ,  now she is better....
And Thanks so much for all of the prayers- I really appreciate them!!

Video coming soon!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Reeeeaaallllly Badddd Weeek

It all started with the "cat-tastrophy", and it just hasn't stopped-
Really bad week-I'l be glad when March is over.
Bella started running a really high fever last Friday as we were getting ready for the rodeo-and she still has it!
We have been to the Doctor, and she is on antibiotics, but not showing any improvement.
The only time I feel upset about being a single parent is when my kids are sick. That's when I really wish I had someone to lean on.
Pray for us- Please!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Well, it's been a hard week-all the way around....
Work wise lots of court this week, including a trip to Atlanta for Immigration--ugh.
On the home front we had a CAT-TASTROPHY....
Our beloved cat Sundae was ran over by my Son Edgar with the car- UGH UGH- not a good thing.
And she's pregnant-ugh-ugh-ugh- not a good week.
She made it... but barely.
Vet bills-ugh...........well you get the picture.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Granny's Tooth"brush"

As a child I spent a lot of time with my Granny and Grandaddy. They lived next door and my Parents worked several jobs just to make ends meet.
My Granny taught me many things, how to cook, make emergency candles, sewing, and how to make a tooth brush out of a twig.........

I know, unless your on Survivor-why would you need a tooth brush made out of a twig?

Well my Granny used it to clean the snuf out of her dentures---us kids on the other hand used it to clean the  cocoa powder/sugar-faux snuf-out of our teeth!!

This is what we did......
We would walk up into the woods behind the house, and look for a willow tree, then we would break off a small branch about the size of a knitting needle, and that would be enough for us both.
Next we would strip about 1/2 inch of the  bark so that we could "fan" out the twig- and there you have it!
A twig tooth brush!
Next was the fun part....
The cocoa "snuf"
When I was little snack pack came in an aluminum can, so if there were none empty, we got to eat the snack pack! Then wash and dry the little can, and add equal parts sugar and Hershey's cocoa......
Suck on the twig, and then dip into the cocoa---be sure to scrub  your teeth....
And we couldn't figure out why we had so many cavities!!!
But what great fun!!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bella's sorf bord

I have a  sorf  bord. Do you have a sorf bord? It is coloed a rane bow. How I made it is  wood. I like it.

Bella's sorf bord

I have  a  sorf bord. Do you have  a sorf bord? It is colored a  rane bow. I made the sorf  bord. How I  made the sorf bord I got some wood. and I put it in side and coloed it a rane bow and I made some moor of them. One is made out of  paper and  wood.

God Bless Bakerella

Did You know that StarBucks now have Cake Pops?  Yummmmmmy!!!!! I just tried my first one--the Rocky Road!!!
God Bless You Bakerella for inventing these wonderful little dreams!!! And for sharing this with the world!!!!
I don't know if these are part of your line, but they should be!!
I recently read that Bakerella is having some medical issues, and I send lots of Love and Prayers for a speedy recovery.
We need You!!!And Cake Pops!!!!
Get Well Soon!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Papas(potatos) or Poopas

After about two weeks in Honduras, and eating three meals a day that my "sister in law" had prepared; I was ready to have my own "kitchen".
We were living at his Dad's home, in his bedroom, and I was looking for a place to rent. We had gone to San Pedro Sula, a two hour bus ride away, and I had bought a hot plate. So I set up my "kitchen" in our room...on a book shelf.
The next thing I did was go the pulperia(convenience store) next door.
But I was really good at pointing!!! So I go in search of some cookware -or at least a pot...
Along the top row of the shelves at the counter of the pulperia, were the most amazing pots, and pans I had ever seen!! All beautifully painted enamel ware....I was so excited!
I chose a small white pot with flowers painted on it. It even had a lid!
So I bought some potato's, and headed home.
Now, when I lived in Miami I knew how to make spaghetti, and cornbread...that's about it. But I knew that boiling potato's couldn't be that hard- and after two weeks of beans, tortillas,and eggs, I needed a break!
So I went home and boiled me some potato's! I was so proud of myself!!!
I was siting on the front porch eating a boiled potato when "HE" got home. He said "where did you get that?" I proudly said-"I MADE IT!!!!"
So he had to see, and so did his sister Nelly.....
We go into the bedroom and I show them my new "kitchen"--------
This is the part where Nelly covers her mouth with her hand and RUNS from the room!!!!!
I thought she was laughing at meeeeeeeeeee.
But then I hear him say....Oh NO HONEY!!!!
That pots not for COOKING.........
nelly was outside throwing up.
I told him I bought a NEW pot, and I didn't care!
The potato's were good- and the pot was NEW- so what was the problem?
Finally he agreed, and we sat on the porch,and had the first meal I had prepared for us..And a good laugh!!!
Nelly passed on joining us!!
I used the POO POT for many years , and it always brought me a smile!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Too Many Memories

With the recent tragedy in Japan, I have had a flood of old memories, about my life in Honduras. The only natural disaster that has ever really had a great impact on my life is hurricane "Mitch".
I was so "green"-truly a GRINGA!! When I arrived in Honduras I knew ONE word of Spanish-LECHE-which my Mom told me meant milk-she was right, but boy was I in for a rude awakening!!

Honduras changed my life.......and I am so grateful.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


My heart and Prayers go out to the people of Japan. This has been a bad week for my Family too. We have lost two dear cousins. One on either side of our Family. They will be greatly missed, We love them both so much!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is it Monday or just a Loco Thursday?

As I was running late this morning, I looked down and saw that my shirt tail was really wrinkled, also I REALLY hate to iron, and normally just hit the "hotspots", as my cousin Samara used to say-just the part that's gonna show--being in the front-this was really gonna show---
let me go back- I really hate getting out the ironing board- I always pinch my finger-sooooooo, I saw the Papa Johns pizza box on the kitchen table from our gourmet meal that I had whipped up---
 who knew that a pizza box would, or could stand in for an ironing board , FYI  it can!!! With just the right leaning in, and over, But my only suggestion is-use only when you are wearing a dark colored blouse..........
By the way does anyone know how to remove the ironed on face of the Papa Johns pizza man from the inside of a white blouse?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Date Night With My Kids

Three little words-----RANGO---RANGO--RANGO!!!!!!!!
GO SEE IT!!!!!
My son Edgar took Bella and I out to see a movie- He paid for it himself!!
And it was wonderful!!!
So funny that Bella told me I was laughing too loud!!
A must see for everyone---I can't wait until it's out on DVD!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Flea Market Fun!!

We went to the local flea market this weekend, and boy did we have fun!!
My kids really enjoyed themselves. It's like a treasure hunt every time we go.  What amazing thing you can find at a flea market.
Bella found a porcelain doll for one dollar, and I found an aluminum pitcher and glass set like my grandmother had , when I was a child-and it was pink!!
But the best of all was a new addition to our family---
Edgar bought a marmalade colored feather foot rooster--he is sooo pretty!!
His name is Cornbread Tucker.
Tucker is for the Young and the Restless my favorite soap!
We already have our hen Ashley (she lays Easter colored eggs, but I can't remember what she's called),
and now we are gonna have the prettiest chicks ever!!!
He is so Happy is his new home!!
And we are so fortunate to have found him.
Photos coming soon!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

February pneumonia

Ugh, I got my annual case of pneumonia this week, at least it wasn't on my Birthday like last year!!
But I am feeling better, and going to watch PBR tonite in B'ham, with my best friend Betty!!! Cain't wait!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


      I didn't get to post yesterday because I worked late and was just too tired to concentrate . Also  I had to gather my thoughts. I am getting alot of flack and or grief from my friends, and soon I will be from my family I'm sure about the choice of description for the "WHITE TRASH"
    So , I now feel t is necessary to explain why I chose those words--I AM, HAVE BEEN, AND ALWAYS WILL BE   WHITE TRASH- there I said it,    so be it,     It is time to OWN who I am-

    This does not in anyway ,shape or form mean that, I use drugs, steal, or date my cousins.

    What "white trash " means to me is this:  I come from good, hard working, God fearing, honest people who just could not rise up to the general standards that society has laid out for us. It doesn't mean that we are bad, or stupid, or lazy for that matter. It just means that we work really hard---just to survive......For some people living just comes so easy- for us not so much.
     I am the baby of five, and my Dad worked three jobs, and my Mom worked two, just to make ends meet. My parents didn't believe in taking government hand outs, so they worked hard to support us kids.
My Mom always planted a garden, and canned so that helped alot. We are just simple country folks who had a hard time.

And then it got worse-Our house burned.

   My Mom spotted a house that looked similar to the Walton's (TV) and my Dad bought it for $600, and cut it into four pieces, and moved it up to the mountain- where my Mom spent the next 17 years remodeling it.
It was, and still is a mess and a money pit. My Mom's dream home not mine, but this is where I live until I can start my own dream.
So , I would like to share some of the stories, and recipes from my childhood, because I think it was great- even though we didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Swaying Pines

Well , a neighbor came over to inform me that my pony was out so after getting her up, I was sitting in my car waiting, and looked up-I have alot of pine trees on my land and they are very close together so they have grown up really tall and straight, well the wind was blowing pretty hard and guess what? The pine trees were swaying-how is it that I am 44 years old and never realized that pine trees sway in the breeze? I was so shocked and amazed!! It was majestic. They looked as if they were dancing in a ballet.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blogging For Dummies

That's what I need, this is complicated stuff. Bear with me please while I figure it all out!!  I will be adding some of my families favorite recipe's soon!!! And some of the stories from my childhood, a look at the critters on my farm, and lots more-so yall come back now ya hear?

YouTube - possum pearl

YouTube - possum pearl

The Morning After

Well, I feel like a balloon that all the air has been let out-deflated-I don't know if it's the sugar crash from too much B'Day cake-I finished off the icing for breakfast (it's my cake, I'll scrape off all the icing and eat it if I wanna) or if it's the realization that with another Birthday-  that I'm a year older,  or maybe I'm starting some kind of mid-life crisis. I feel like I'm 18 again, and I don't know what I want to do with my life. I have worked so hard for the past 5 years to make a go of my company, and when I am finally seeing it become what I always wanted-now I don't want it. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? I used to love helping people-and I have helped alot of people, but now instead of wanting to help them , I just want to be left alone. Waaaa  Waaaa Waaaa stop whining like a baby.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Wonderful Life

I am indeed blessed- My cup runeth over!!!! I am so grateful for all of the wonderful people in my life-and I hope that I can honor you with this blog-Thank You so much!!  I Love You All!!!  b

So Funny!!

My brother just called(had it on vibrate) to say Happy Birthday- and instead started singing Merry Christmas to you-But with the Birthdaty songy tune---I cracked up so did he oop I'm sorry- Happy Birthday----so Funny-Thought I would pee may pants like that Bull rider did last night!!!


Today is my Birthday, I am 44-ugh. I have been wanting to start this blog for a while now- but decided to put it off, and start today. I have had a wonderful day so far .First I had a beautiful serenade from a old-renewed-love, lots of Birthday wishes from old schoolmates,(including an uplink to utube and a video of Hungry like the wolf by Duran Duran my favorite!!) my sister made me a coconut madarin cake, and gave me a beautiful red patent leather bag, scarf, and a  sarah coventry bracelet-just like our Mom gave all of us girls when we were young!! My sister in law  just came in with a beautiful watch- wow  I really hit the mother load today- And I gave myself one whole day with the cell phones turned off!! Yeah me!!